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Students and visitors- R2200 per module
Qualified facilitators- R1200 per module
1. Definition & Theoretical model of Biodanza 8-9 FEBRUARY
2. Biocentric & Vital Unconscious 8-9 MARCH
3. The Vivencia 12-13 APRIL
4. Biological Aspects of Biodanza 17-18 MAY
5. Physiological Aspects of Biodanza 7-8 JUNE
6. Psychological aspects of Biodanza 12-13 JULY
7.Mythical & Philosophical Antecedents 9-10 AUGUST
8. Identity & Integration 13-14 SEPT.
9. Trance & Regression 3-4 OCTOBER
10. Human Movement 15-16 NOVEMBER
11. Contact and caress 7-8 FEBRUARY
12. Vitality 7-8 MARCH
13. Creativity 11-12 APRIL
14. Affectivity 9-10 MAY
15. Sexuality 13-14 JUNE
16. Transcendence 11-12 JULY
17. Biodanza Ars Magna 8-9 AUGUST
18. Biodanza and Social Action 12-13 SEPTEMBER
19. Seminar: An existential development - The Minotaur Project 10-11 OCTOBER
20. Applications and Extensions of Biodanza 11-12 NOV.
1. Biodanza Mechanisms of Action.10-11 FEBRUARY
2. Music in Biodanza 9-10 MARCH
3. Methodology I (Musical Semantics) 13-14 APRIL
4. Methodology II (The session of Biodanza 1). 11-12 MAY
5. Methodology III (The session of Biodanza 2). 8-9 JUNE
6. Methodology IV (Weekly and marathon course of Biodanza) 13-14 JULY
7. Methodology V (The Biodanza group). 10-11 AUGUST
8. Methodology VI (Evolution criteria in
Biodanza).21-22 SEPTEMBER
9. Methodology VII (Official List of the Biodanza Exercises) 19-20 0CTOBER
10. Seminar: Practical resources for the Biodanza Facilitator. 9-10 NOVEMBER